Welcome to The Book Speaks

Hello and welcome to The Book Speaks, a podcast where I read from the works of indie and self-published authors of varying levels of success, financially and artistically. I’m Benjamin Douglas. Full disclosure: I myself am an aspiring indie author. You can learn more about me at my other home on the web, benjamindouglasbooks.wordpress.com.

There are a lot of great podcasts out there that discuss writing, publishing, and marketing as an indie author. One of the coolest things about all of these platform points is the web of interconnection building up among indie authors, across genres, oceans, and levels of experience. I wanted to create a podcast that would showcase the work of all these authors, by itself, read as genuinely, impartially, and engagingly as possible, so that the books can speak for themselves.

Please do check back from time to time! There should be a new episode posted weekly–I’m aiming for Fridays. Don’t be shy if you’d like to drop a comment. If you’re interested in my own author journey, do visit my site linked above. And if you’re interested in hiring me to read for your audiobook, you can feel free to contact me for that, too.

Thank you so much for being here. I hope the books speak to you!

–Benjamin Douglas, The Book Speaks Podcast

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